How to Get a Six-Pack Without Going to the Gym

Greg Nestor

How to Get a Six-Pack Without Going to the Gym

It’s the ultimate body goal. Achieving a six-pack.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability to spend hours a day in a gym building muscle and burning fat to reveal the perfect set of tight abs. But the reason your abdominal muscles are not visible is not because they don’t exist – they’re simply hiding behind the fat.

With VASER® Hi Def Liposculpture, your doctor can strategically remove the fat that obscures muscle definition, revealing the aesthetically pleasing abdominal muscles that lay underneath.

Forget months of hard work in the gym that may or may not pay off. With VASER Hi Def, you can achieve the body you’ve always desired in just four hours. Here’s more about how this advanced technique can change your life.

How VASER® Hi Def Works

VASER® Hi Def is a form of body sculpting based on anatomic principles to remove fat and accentuate muscle definition. The procedure’s success is rooted in anatomic findings that allow doctors to focus on the specific fat pads that cover abdominal muscles.

Liposculpture is less invasive than liposuction, and does not require large incisions or general anesthesia. Compared to other methods of liposculpture, the VASER® Hi Def technique creates less bleeding, allows more fat to be removed and leaves skin tighter. The procedure also comes with very little down time, allowing most people to resume their lives as normal within a couple of days.

What You Can Achieve With VASER Hi Def

A sleek set of six-pack abs is not the only thing you can achieve through this sophisticated procedure. Here are few more ways VASER® Hi Def can help you look your best.

For males:

– Sculpting the chest to reveal and emphasize the pectoral muscles

– Reducing the belly to achieve a flat stomach

– Removing fat to get rid of love handles

For females:

– Achieving a feminine, hourglass figure

– Eliminating excess hip weight

– Reducing fat under bra line and on the back

– Transferring fat into the buttocks for a more shaped figure

We Can Help You Accomplish Your Body Goals!

The VASER® High Def Liposculpture procedure is the best way to trim fat and enhance muscle definition without highly invasive surgery. By targeting specific areas, your doctor will be able to customize the procedure for results tailored your personal needs. To learn more about the advanced liposculpting technology used at The Medical Center of Body Rejuvenation, give us a call today!

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