How Safe Is BOTOX®?

Greg Nestor

How Safe is BOTOX®?

Safely Turn Back The Hands of Time

If you are looking for a safe way to turn back the hands of time, BOTOX® could be the answer for you. According to BOTOX® Cosmetic, BOTOX® is a prescription medicine that’s injected into muscles and used to temporarily improve the look of both moderate to severe crow’s feet, lines and frown lines between the eyebrows in adults. BOTOX® is effective at diminishing signs of aging and has a low rate of minor side effects. It is an attractive alternative to any surgical means such as a facelift.

Find BOTOX® Specialists

BOTOX® must be used under a doctor’s care, and more specifically, it should be performed by a board certified dermatologist. It can be dangerous if it’s administered incorrectly. You can ask your primary care doctor for a referral or consider a clinic with doctors that specialize in rejuvenating services such as The Medical Center of Body Rejuvenation. A skilled and properly certified doctor can advise you on BOTOX® procedures and can help determine if it is best suited for your needs and health.

The Simple Procedure

BOTOX® treatments for cosmetic purposes are quickly done as an outpatient service and do not require any down time. You could go in on your lunch break and return to work. The procedure is only minimally felt. If you hate needles, a topical anesthetic or cold pack can be used ahead of time to further reduce any pain. The small amount of discomfort is worth the three to six months of results that you can safely achieve.

Talk to a Professional One-on-One

For more information about BOTOX® Cosmetic services, call The Medical Center of Body Rejuvenation at (727) 800-3336, request an online appointment or visit their website at

It is never too late to look younger. Everyone will notice the refreshed you! Don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation to see how BOTOX® Cosmetic and the specialists at The Medical Center of Body Rejuvenation can enhance your appearance.


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