How Does Fat Transfer Work?

Greg Nestor

How Does Fat Transfer Work?

Fat transfer, often referred to as a fat transfer and grafting procedure, involves the use of your own body fat that is removed from any part of your body where there is an excess. The fat is then injected into areas where you would like more volume.

The fat transfer and grafting procedure begins with what is known as the VASER® process. Fat is removed from those pesky, trouble spots, such as the stomach, thighs, buttocks, or love handles. It goes through a purification process before being injected into areas that need more volume.

Fat Transfer Uses Live Fat Cells

Fat transfer is an effective procedure for cosmetic enhancement because it uses live fat cells. These fat cells contain stem cells that will continue to thrive when they are removed from one part of your body and added to another. In the end, you will get an increase in volume that has a natural appearance, since the procedure uses a substance from your own body instead of dangerous chemicals. As a result, you will be much less likely to have a reaction or an infection due to the procedure.

Enhance Any Area of Your Body with Fat Transfer

The beauty of the fat transfer procedure is that unwanted fat can be harvested from any part of your body, giving you the volume you’ve always wanted in other areas of the body. Patients typically choose to add volume to the following areas:

– The breasts for enhancement or repairs after previous procedures

– The buttocks to create a Brazilian butt lift

– The hands to deal with the wrinkling that comes with aging

– The face to smooth away wrinkles and fill in hollows

Contact the Medical Center of Body Rejuvenation to Learn More

If you are thinking about fat transfer and would like to enhance your body through a procedure that is minimally invasive without the use of chemicals or implants, contact the Medical Center of Body Rejuvenation today. Call us at (727) 800-3336 or complete an online form to make your consultation.

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