Am I Too Young To Get The O-Shot®?

Greg Nestor

Am I Too Young To Get The O-Shot®?

The O-Shot® is a new and life-changing procedure for women suffering from urinary stress incontinence or sexual dysfunction. The minimally-invasive and in-office procedure is quick, painless and garners numerous benefits. As the procedure grows in popularity, more patients are inquiring whether or not the O-Shot® is right for them. Learn more about this procedure and who is the ideal candidate here.

What Is the O-Shot®?

The O-Shot® procedure uses growth factors to rejuvenate the vagina for help with urinary stress incontinence and sexual dysfunction. By utilizing platelet-rich plasma, the O-Shot® can improve urinary stress incontinence and sexual dysfunction with the use of the body’s very own cellular repair mechanism. As a result, the procedure is safe, minimally invasive and requires little to no downtime.

How Is Platelet-Rich Plasma Used?

During the O-Shot® procedure, growth factors derived from platelets in the patient’s own plasma are safely harvested and re-injected into various anatomic sites. This allows for the growth of new tissue. This practice is already frequently used in the orthopedic field to improve joint, ligament and tendon function, and now, it is being utilized to improve the lives of patients with urinary stress incontinence or sexual dysfunction.

Age Requirements for the O-Shot®

Urinary stress incontinence and sexual dysfunction can affect adults of all ages Often, women in their 20s and 30s living with urinary stress incontinence or sexual dysfunction wonder if they are too young to get the O-Shot®. Not only is the O-Shot® safe for younger women, but it is also extremely effective. Although results vary by individual, data suggests younger women have much to gain from getting the O-Shot®.

Learn More About the O-Shot® at The Medical Center of Body Rejuvenation

If you’re considering the O-Shot® to treat your urinary stress incontinence or sexual dysfunction, turn to the experienced team at The Medical Center of Body Rejuvenation. Dr. Nestor and the rest of his staff will help determine the right treatment for you. Contact us today to learn more or schedule an appointment online.

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