5 Questions About the P-Shot

Greg Nestor

5 Questions About the P-Shot

You may have already heard the buzz about the P-Shot, but how much do you know about it? The P-Shot, or the Priapus Shot, is a new procedure designed to improve sexual performance in men and touts numerous benefits for those who have erectile dysfunction. If you’ve been considering the P-Shot, here are five facts to know before scheduling your appointment.

1. Why is it called the “Priapus” shot?

Priapus is the name of the Greek God of fertility, often depicted as having an oversized or permanent erection. He was also very popular in Roman erotic art and Latin literature.

2. What happens during the P-Shot procedure?

The P-Shot procedure starts with a quick blood draw. Then, using a specific technique, growth factors are taken from your blood and added to the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). This is then injected into areas that help improve sexual response after a local anesthetic cream is applied.

3. How does the P-Shot work?

Since PRP helps promote growth and healing that stimulates rejuvenation, the P-shot works to create tissue growth, new blood vessels, improved circulation, stronger erections, increased sensation, and enhanced sexual performance.

4. Is the P-Shot safe?

Since the procedure uses your own blood-derived plasma, it is non-allergenic and free of harmful side effects. It’s also seen as a healthier alternative to using prescribed pills, which can often cause many side effects harmful to your health.

5. Is the P-Shot right for me?

While you should always check with your doctor to determine if this is the right procedure for you, it is best used by men who have erectile dysfunction caused by an enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, the after-effects of surgery, drug side effects and other conditions such as diabetes.

Get Your P-Shot at The Medical Center of Body Rejuvenation!

If you think the P-Shot is right for you, you can learn more about this leading-edge procedure at The Medical Center of Body Rejuvenation. Contact our specialists today to make your appointment.

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